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 (09-007.11-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 216

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Date: June 5, 2006

Participants: Klichinskaia, Raisa Efimovna. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Moisei Lemster.

Location recorded: Bender, Transnistria, Moldova

Language: Yiddish, Russian

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Moldovans

 Recording Content:   

This recording is a formal interview with Raisa (Khaye) Efimovna Klichinskaia, born 1926 in Tighina. (Part 1 of 2. See MDV 217)

00:00:00 Klichinskaia provides personal information.
00:02:20 Klichinskaia talks about her family. Her father was born in Western Ukraine and worked as a cooper. She grew up with four siblings.
00:07:11 Klichinskaia talks about her military service as a nurse for seven years that began in 1942. During the war, she worked in different countries, including Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia.
00:08:11 Klichinskaia talks about her family and holiday celebration, in particular Passover. She also addresses prewar religious life and occupational structure in Tighina.
00:12:49 Klichinskaia talks about her life during the war. She evacuated to the Stalingrad region. She and her mother worked at a hospital.
00:14:30 Klichinskaia discusses her childhood memories.
00:15:29 Klichinskaia sings a Yiddish song "Sorele" that is about longing for a loved one, she remembers from her childhood.
00:19:13 Klichinskaia sings another Yididsh song from her childhood about loving a girl.
00:21:09 Klichinskaia discusses her childhood memories. She attended a Romanian school for four years. She then explains the second song.
00:23:30 Klichinskaia recalls prewar performances by Sidi Tal. She then sings the well-known Yiddish "Nokh a lid" (Another song), before singing a Yiddish drinking song.
00:28:38 Klichinskaia sings the well-known Yiddish wedding song "Makhteyniste mayne" (My mother-in-law). She then discusses traditional weddings.
00:32:08 Klichinskaia talks about Purim celebrations, including food customs, before the war. She then sings Yiddish Purim songs and recalls the beginning of a well-known Purim shpiel, before Klichinskaia sings the Yiddish song "Dire gelt" (rent money).
00:36:29 Klichinskaia discusses childhood games.
00:37:46 Klichinskaia sings the Yiddish song "Lomir zikh iberbetn" (Let's make up).
00:39:37 Klichinskaia discusses food customs, particularly gefilte fish. She then shares her recipe for gefilte fish.
00:42:42 Klichinskaia answers dialectological questions from the AHEYM Yiddish linguistic questionnaire. She then addresses prewar cultural and social life.
00:44:12 Klichinskaia briefly talks about her life during the war in evacuation. She then addresses her life after the war. She was trained as a tailor. She also recalls a tuberculosis outbreak at a Prague hospital in 1946, where she worked as a nurse.
00:47:34 Klichinskaia explains in Russian her return and family life after the war.
00:48:34 Klichinskaia talks about Jewish life before and after the war under Soviet occupation.
00:50:18 Klichinskaia mentions folk customs and how people would come to her mother who practiced the custom of averting the evil eye.
00:52:04 Klichinskaia answers dialectological questions from the AHEYM Yiddish linguistic questionnaire. She then sings again the Yiddish love song "Sorele."
00:55:36 Klichinskaia talks about life today and her family. Her sister lived in Israel for three years. Klichinskaia raised a son.
01:00:18 Klichinskaia sings again the second Yiddish love song, before she sings a song in Russian about the war.
01:02:27 End of recording.