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 (09-010.29-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 573

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Date: July 10, 2005 to July 11, 2005

Participants: Leybl, Zeev; Diner, Semen Semenovich. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Jeffrey Veidlinger.

Location recorded: L'viv, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Language: Yiddish, Russian

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Ukrainians

 Recording Content:   

This recording is the continuation of a formal interview with Volf Tsalevich Leibel. (Part 2 of 2. See MDV 572)

The last part of the recording contains a few seconds of setting up a formal interview with Semen (Simkhe) Semenovich Diner, born 1917 in Skalat. (Part 1 of 2. See MDV 574)

00:00:00 Leibel speaks about his family. He grew up with two sisters. Leibel also shares an episode from his childhood. Leibel's father was born in Rivne.
00:03:38 Leibel sings "Echad Mi Yodea" (who knows one; a traditional haggadic song, sang on Passover). He also addresses other prayer customs on Passover.
00:07:15 Leibel remembers Sabbath songs (zemirot) and recalls peasants stopping at their house on Sabbath and humming zemirot melodies.
00:08:30 Leibel discusses his childhood memories in a traditional home. He then lists prewar youth organizations, including Betar, Hashomer Hatzair and Agudat Yisrael. Leibel states that the Polish school did not allow him to join any organization.
00:12:24 Leibel addresses his education at a religious school (cheder) and Polish school. Leibel explains that he studied with a private religious tutor at home during his primary education.
00:14:58 Leibel speaks about prewar press and then his family. In particular, he addresses his parent's work and recalls poverty.
00:16:15 Leibel talks about postwar community in Rivne, after his demobilization. He then addresses his father's observance, briefly touching upon the Polish school.
00:19:29 Leibel speaks about prewar Purim celebrations at the local Polish-Jewish secondary school and other organizations in town. Leibel describes how his father examined him on Sabbath.
00:22:59 Leibel talks about Yiddish dialects, the local library and prewar press.
00:25:53 Leibel addresses Sabbath food customs and celebrations at home before the war. He then speaks about his family.
00:29:06 Leibel answers questions about cultural terminology and speaks about his family. He then talks about prewar cultural life, particularly Yiddish theater performances and cinemas. Leibel describes how his school organized trips to the theater and recalls the play "The Dybbuk."
00:34:08 Leibel addresses his school education. He attended a cheder until the age of seven, when he joined the Polish primary school. He explains how a Jewish and non-Jewish team played again each other soccer.
00:35:39 Leibel sings a Yiddish drinking song and then briefly touches upon his cheder education.
00:38:39 Leibel speaks about food customs, specifically gefilte fish. He then shares an episode from Yom Kippur 1939, when the Red Army occupied Rivne.
00:42:50 Leibel addresses prewar holiday celebration and Yiddish dialects.
00:44:50 Leibel sings a song about Yidishkayt and suppression of religious life during the postwar Soviet period. Leibel then talks about prewar Yiddish culture and life in Rivne before the war. Leibel also remembers traditional weddings at the Lviv rebbe's home before the war. Leibel mentions that his father hired a musical instructor to teach him clarinet.
00:51:04 Leibel sings a Polish song and recalls Polish poems. He then addresses prewar Jewish and non-Jewish relations in prewar Rivne, as well as his non-Jewish classmate.
00:53:47 Leibel recalls Purim shpiels.
00:56:33 The camera records footage of Leibel's apartment.
00:57:45 End of recording.