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 (09-010.29-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 570

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Date: July 10, 2005

Participants: Brandler, Khaim Samsonovich. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Jeffrey Veidlinger, Dovid Katz.

Location recorded: L'viv, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Language: Yiddish, Russian

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Ukrainians

 Recording Content:   

This recording is a continuation of a formal interview with Khaim Samsonovich Brandler. (Part 2 of 4. See MDV 569, MDV 571, and MDV 572)

00:00:00 Brandler speaks about his life during World War II. He escaped toward the Soviet Union.
00:02:00 Brandler talks about his return toward his hometown Mostiska during the war. He then describes the journy by train first from Hodovytsya to Hosyatin and then further east to Bobrynets, Kirovohradsky province. Brandler remembers German plane attacks and injured people. In Bobrynets, Brandler was drafted into the labor battalion division of the Red Army in 1941. In his division, Brandler went to the Rostov region. Brandler describes the different kinds of assignments he had throughout the war. Brandler was then drafted for combat in the Red Army and fought at the front in 1944. He points out that he was only drafted because he forgot his identification documents at home. He was wounded on Crimea. In 1945, Brandler left the infantry for the artillery, where he was injured for the second time, by a boy. Brandler was demobilized in 1946.
00:14:51 Brandler talks about his life after the war. He returned to Mostiska and then to Sudova Vyshny, joining his sister. Brandler then moved to Lviv, where he was trained at the municipal collection office. Brandler worked as supervisor in municipal offices in Peremyshlyany for thirty years. He then describes his work as tax collector during the Soviet era.
00:27:18 Brandler talks about his life after the war. After his retirement, Brandler worked in an insurance office. He shares episodes from his work and recalls peaceful work relationships.
00:31:19 Brandler speaks about his family. He was married in 1948 and raised a son and a daugther, who passed away. Brandler moved from Peremyshlyany to Lviv in 2003, where his son lives.
00:35:27 Brandler speaks about postwar antisemitism in Peremyshlyany. Brandler moved to Peremyshlyany in 1958. He also mentions how he and a friend preserved the local cemetery. Brandler then recalls a close friend, who fought the Germans as partisan. Brandler also speaks about other friends' life during the war.
00:51:55 Brandler speaks about his life before the war, particularly his cheder melamdim. He then speaks about his family. In particular, he addresses his father's obervance. Brandler's mother sold milk bottles to merchants for a living.
00:57:46 Brandler reads prayers, after addressing Yiddish dialects.
01:01:44 Brandler addresses a performance of the play "Dos groyse gevins" (the big prize) by Sholem Aleichem. His sister participated in the play.
01:02:31 End of recording.