Return to ATM Online Collections  > AHEYM: The Archive of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories  > L'viv

 (09-010.29-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 566

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Date: May 13, 2003

Participants: Meler, Isaak Moseevich. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Jeffrey Veidlinger.

Location recorded: L'viv, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Language: Yiddish, Russian

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Ukrainians

 Recording Content:   

The recording is the continuation of a formal interview with Isaak Moseevich Meler. (Part 2 of 3. See MDV 565 and MDV 567)

00:00:00 Meler speaks about his family and childhood memories, particularly education. Meler explains how his mother paid for his religious school education with food. Meler then describes his work as apprentice and remembers poverty within his family.
00:07:08 Meler speaks about Jewish life, including charity organizations. He also mentions the Lviv cemetery and describes how it was destroyed in the postwar Soviet period.
00:11:42 Meler talks about his family. His father worked odd jobs, including with sausage dealer. Meler also speaks about prewar Jewish life, including occupational structure.
00:15:25 Meler speaks about his hometown Glina Navariya and its geographic location. He recalls the bath house and mill. He also discusses his childhood memories.
00:21:23 Meler speaks about his childhood memories, specifically how he caught fish for his mother's cooking for Sabbath. He also describes how his mother prepared dry fish for the winter season, as well as how she cooked cholent.
00:27:05 Meler continues talking about Sabbath food customs and mentions non-Jewish neighbors, who were his family's Sabbath goys. Meler then speaks about prewar Hasidic life in his hometown.
00:32:15 Meler addresses prewar holiday celebration, including Sabbath and Purim.
00:34:09 Meler speaks about prewar cultural life, including Zionist organizations that organized plays. Meler lists youth organizations, including HaNoar HaTzioni, Hashomer Hatzair and the Bund. Meler's step-brother made aliyah with a group of local halutzim. Meler then talks about local libraries.
00:38:27 Meler addresses Shavuot celebrations, including food customs. He then shares an episode about a local resident, before talking about Jewish life today.
00:43:52 Meler talks about food customs, specifically sharing his recipe for gefilte fish and floden (large cake or bread with raisins).
00:49:43 Meler answers questions about cultural terminology, before addressing prewar traditional weddings.
00:51:53 Meler answers dialectological questions from the AHEYM Yiddish linguistic questionnaire.
00:53:50 Meler talks about his family and life today. His daughter married a non-Jew.
00:56:52 Meler continues to answer dialectological questions from the AHEYM Yiddish linguistic questionnaire.
00:59:05 End of recording.