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 (09-010.29-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 561

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Date: May 11, 2003

Participants: Nisman, Dora Iosifovna; Leibel, Volf Tsalevich. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Jeffrey Veidlinger.

Location recorded: L'viv, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Language: Yiddish, Russian

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Ukrainians

 Recording Content:   

The first part of the recording is the continuation of a formal interview with Dora Iosifovna Nisman. (Part 3 of 3. See MDV 559 and MDV 560)

The second part of the tape shows footage of the Lviv community center.

The third part of the recording includes a formal interview with Volf (Veve, Velvl) Tsalevich Leibel, born 1921 in Rivne (Yiddish: Rovne). (Part 1 of 3. See MDV 562 and Accession # 09-010.14-F MDV 427)

00:00:00 Nisman speaks about life before the war. She remembers non-Jewish neighbors who spoke Yiddish and positive relations between Jews and non-Jews. Nisman also talks about the contemporary relationship between Jews and non-Jews.
00:03:14 Nisman talks about her first husband, who worked as accountant. She then speaks about her relationship with the writer Kubi Vol 4:20. Nisman then recites his last Yiddish poem and shows a fotograph of him. Nisman then lists prewar Yiddish writers of Chernivtsi.
00:12:26 Nisman addresses prewar cultural life, particular Yiddish performances at the Chernivtsi Yiddish house. Nisman states that she sang there herself. She also recalls Itzik Manger's visits to Chernivtsi.
00:17:51 The team concludes the formal interview with Nisman. She speaks about life today and her family. Nisman also answers questions about cultural terminology, before camera records family photographs. One of Nisman's daughters lives in Israel.
00:23:43 Nisman sings the beginning of "Lomir zikh iberbetn" (Let's make up). The camera then cuts to the community center.
00:26:08 The formal interview with Leibel begins. He provides personal information.
00:28:49 Leibel provides personal information. He then speaks about his family and mentions cousins who made aliyah in the 1930s. Leibel's father was a merchant and his mother helped him. Leibel's parents died in the Rivne ghetto.
00:32:50 Leibel speaks about his life before the war. He studied at an institute in Lviv in 1939. At the beginning of the war, he was drafted into the Red Army. Leibel then speaks about his family.
00:35:00 Leibel speaks about daily life in Rivne before the war. In particular, he remembers how his mother bathed him on Friday and local bookstores. Leibel also addresses his family. His father was a POW held by the Austrian army during World War I. Leibel grew up with two sisters. His parents were also born in Rivne.
00:43:50 Leibel speaks about his life before the war. In 1939, he graduated from a Polish school. Leibel then recites a Polish poem by Adam Bernard Mickiewicz. He then speaks about his education, particularly at a religious school (cheder). Leibel mentions that his younger sister went to a Yiddish kindergarten before the war.
00:46:45 Leibel recalls a Yiddish song his sister would sing in the kindergarten. He then speaks about prewar life in Rivne, including local institutions and figures.
00:50:17 Leibel speaks about his leisure activities before the war. He describes how he attended dinners at local Jewish schools on Purim and Hanukkah. Leibel then addresses his school education. Leibel mentions Sabbath celebrations and prayers at the cheder. Leibel studied at a cheder until the age of seven, a Polish primary school until fourteen and a Polish secondary school until eighteen. Leibel also studied with a private Yiddish teacher in the evenings, he explains.
01:00:53 End of recording.