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 (09-010.37-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 618

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Date: May 18, 2008

Participants: Vainbrand, Leonid Moiseyevich; Rabbi Zev Shpunt. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Jeffrey Veidlinger, Moisei Lemster.

Location recorded: Odesa, Odes'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Language: Yiddish, Russian

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Ukrainians

 Recording Content:   

The first part of the tape includes town footage with a tour of the Odesa community led by Rabbi Zev Shpunt.

The second part of the tape includes a formal interview with Leonid Moiseyevich Vainbrand who was born 1919 in Valedniki (Novi Velidnyky). (Part 1 of 2. See MDV 619)

00:00:00 The first part of the tape includes town footage with a tour of the Odesa community led by Rabbi Zev Shpunt. Rabbi Shpunt talks in Russian about the community in Odesa and surrounding towns. The team walks toward the Odesa yeshiva, passing other community buildings.
00:09:40 The team enters the yeshiva and school, before Rabbi Shpunt gives a tour in Russian and talks about the students.
00:18:23 The team continues the tour with Rabbi Shpunt, leaving the school building and headed to the next brief interview with Leonid Moiseyevich Vainbrand. He talks about the local community members.
00:24:46 The team enters Vainbrand’s apartment and greets him. Vainbrand (Yeyne) provides personal information. He was born 1919 in Valedniki (Novi Velidnyky).
00:26:04 Vainbrand talks about his life before the war. He moved to Murmansk, Russia, in 1935. He tells anecdotes about the Valedniker Tzaddik, Vainbrand remembers from his childhood. His father was also born in Valedniki.
00:30:40 Vainbrand talks prewar religious life at home. He then talks about his education at a Yiddish school and his family.
00:33:59 The formal part of the interview begins. Vainbrand provides personal information and talks about his family. His father was cobbler. He also shares his childhood memories. He grew up with three brothers.
00:37:41 Vainbrand talks about his education at a religious and Yiddish school. He attended a cheder before he joined a Yiddish school at the age of seven. Vainbrand then talks about his bar mitzvah.
00:41:25 Vainbrand discusses holiday celebrations, in particular Purim. He then talks about prewar religious life in his hometown.
00:45:25 Vainbrand reads from a prayer book and addresses prewar religious life in Valedniki taking place in different prayer houses. He remembers how his mother provided shelter for pilgrims, visiting the Tzaddik.
00:50:35 Vainbrand answers questions about cultural terminology and recalls pilgrimage to the Tzaddik. He then talks about contemporary religious life.
00:54:19 Vainbrand talks about his life during the war. He served in the Red Army for seven years until 1949 in the artillery division in Murmansk. He then talks about his education after school graduation and his family. He worked as an accountant. He raised a son and a daughter, who lives in America.
00:58:12 Vainbrand talks about prewar cultural life and his education. He attended a Yiddish school for seven years. He also addresses prewar holiday celebrations, in particular Simchat Torah and Passover. Vainbrand remembers how his mother baked matzos at home.
01:02:25 End of recording.