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 (09-010.14-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 429

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Date: May 12, 2003

Participants: Shekhovich, Evgeniia Izrailovna. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Jeffrey Veidlinger.

Location recorded: Drohobych, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Language: Yiddish, Russian, German

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Ukrainians

 Recording Content:   

This recording is a continuation of a formal interview with Evgeniia Izrailovna Shekhovich. (Part 2 of 3. See MDV 428 and MDV 430)

00:00:00 Shekhovich talks about Jewish life today and “Russian Jews.”
00:05:17 The formal part of the interview begins. Shekhovich provides personal information and talks about her family. She raised one daughter. Her father, a merchant, was born in Sambor. Her mother was also born in Sambor and raised seven children. Shekhovich’s siblings, parents, and grandparents were killed during World War II.
00:18:17 Shekhovich talks about her education. She attended a Polish school for ten years and in the afternoons a religious school (cheder). Shekhovich then discusses her childhood memories. She frequently attended a Jewish organization and recalls singing and dancing there. Shekhovich also addresses the relationship between Jews and non-Jews, as well as the arrival of the “Russian Jews” in 1939.
00:30:10 Shekhovich talks about prewar Sambor, with Jews as the majority population according to her. Shekhovich briefly addresses childhood memories. She then talks about prewar Jewish life there, before addressing Jewish life in Drohobych.
00:39:43 Shekhovich discusses religious customs and holidays. She recalls her family singing Sabbath songs (zemirot) and Hasidic life.
00:46:31 Shekhovich talks about her childhood memories and school life. She then recites two blessings for thunder and lightning.
00:49:51 Shekhovich talks about holiday celebration at home before the war, including food customs. She then talks about Jewish life today.
00:62:02 End of Recording.