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 (09-006.02-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 105

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Date: December 15, 2006

Participants: Reti, Bela. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler and Jeffrey Veidlinger.

Location recorded: Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar County, Hungary

Language: Yiddish, Hungarian

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Hungarians

 Recording Content:   

The recording is a formal interview with Bela (Borukh) Reti (ne Roze), born 1924 in Rohod. (Part 1 of 4. See MDV 106, MDV 107, and MDV 108)

00:00:00 Reti provides personal information.
00:01:26 Reti provides personal information and addresses his yeshiva education in the village Nyírmada with Rabbi Yankl Yosef Halevi Yungrays.
00:03:20 Reti speaks about his family. His father built a prayer house and mikvah in Rohod and taught. Reti recalls how he studied with his father in the mornings before the war. His father was also born in Rohod and owned animals.
00:09:20 Reti describes his childhood home and remembers the annual visits from the Kosoner rebbe and his court of 400 or 500 hasidim from what was then called Mezőkaszony in today's Ukraine (Koson). He then talks about the Sabbath celebrations with the Kosoner rebbe.
00:12:48 Reti talks about the the Kosoner rebbe's brother Mendele from Nagykálló, which was the birth place of the Kaliv Hasidic dynasty. Reti maintains that Mendele would visit Rohod several times during the year. He then sings the Hungarian Hasidic tune "Szól a kakas már."
00:15:24 Reti refers to the Kosoner rebbe's judgment and how people relied on it.
00:18:13 Reti sings Hasidic songs, including "ha'bait beshamayim."
00:21:58 Reti talks about his family. He grew up with five brothers and three sisters.
00:24:13 Reti speaks about prewar life in Rohod. He recalls non-Jews who spoke Yiddish. According to him, twenty Jewish families lived there. Reti speaks about his father's observance as Kosoner hasid and the Kosoner rebbe. Reti then talks about his family today.
00:29:47 Reti speaks about his yeshiva education, when he studied with Volf Günsner for four years. He then recalls a prayer, Günsner would chant.
00:31:36 Reti sings the Hanukkah song "Ma'Oz Tzur." He then sings a Hungarian song about the time when the messiah comes.
00:35:25 Reti sings the beginnings of a Passover song and speaks about prewar Passover celebrations, including food customs.
00:41:57 Reti speaks about Shavuot food customs and Purim celebrations before the war. He recalls singing and dancing on the street and recites parts of the Yosef shpiel. Reti maintains that his brother played Yosef. He then addresses Purim shpiels in Rohod, where boys from the neighboring villages Vaja and Nyírmada (Yiddish: Made) would join in.
00:49:47 Reti speaks about Jewish life in Nyírmada and the local rabbinical authority.
00:52:10 Reti speaks about his life during World War II. He speaks about forced labor pre-1944 and the deportation in 1944. He then speaks about his life in Mauthausen, as well as a death march from Melk to Ebensee, Austria, which lasted for two weeks according Reti. He then talks about his family's fate during the war.
00:57:44 Reti recites a Purim shpiel. He then speaks about traditional weddings before the warm, as well as musical performances.
01:01:04 End of recording.