Return to ATM Online Collections  > AHEYM: The Archive of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories  > Khmil'nyk

 (09-010.12-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 424

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Date: January 6, 2009

Participants: Shames, Rakhil Shlemovna. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Jeffrey Veidlinger.

Location recorded: Khmil'nyk, Vinnyts'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Language: Yiddish

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Ukrainians

 Recording Content:   

The tape is a formal interview with Rakhil Shlemovna Shames, born in 1915 in Ivanopil' (Yanushpol). She talks about her family before the discussion turns to childhood memories of Ivanopil'. When she was a child, she had a religious teacher who taught her how to read Yiddish. Her father Shleyme worked in a mill. She studied at a Ukrainian school. After graduation, she learned how to become an accountant in Ivanopil' before the war. After the war, she was an accountant in a factory for 23 years. Her mother was her only family member who survived the war in hiding. Then the conversation turns to her life in evacuation in the Urals. She rented a room from a Christian woman and worked in a factory. The interview concludes with Jewish life in Khmil'nyk after the war and life today.

00:00:00 The research team enters Rakhil Shlemovna Shames’ apartment
00:01:31 Family and life today
00:04:01 Childhood memories of Yanoshpil and family
00:05:52 Life during and after the war in Khmil'nyk
00:08:34 Earliest childhood memories
00:10:06 Life today and information about Yiddish-speakers in the region
00:13:16 Anti-Semitism
00:14:08 Family and prewar celebration of Shabbat
00:18:13 Evacuation and arrival in Khmil'nyk -  19:59
00:20:57 Childhood in Yanoshpil and life today
00:23:23 Life during evacuation
00:24:32 Jewish holidays
00:25:08 Great Hunger
00:26:49 Jewish life after the war in Khmil'nyk and life today  (Israel)
00:35:19 Jewish religion and wedding
00:37:14 End of Recording.